Because we deeply care about your experience with us

Step 1 of 2

My Personal Views

Please check the box that best reflects your personal situation:

1. Having a valid and an up-to-date will is..*
2. To have better returns for my CPF monies is..*
3. Providing for my kids’ education even after I pass away is..*
4. Having a plan to accumulate money systematically is..*
5. Having low-risk investment and savings options is..*
6. Investing in the stock market and/or unit trusts is..*
7. Planning for my retirement is..*
8. Having adequate personal life insurance is..*
9. Having enough money to pay off all of my debts, including my mortgage, after I pass away is..*
10. Ensuring that my family can maintain their current lifestyle after my untimely death is..*
11. Having an income in the event of disability or a serious illness is..*
12. Having my spouse involved in our family financial matters is..*
13. Having a trusted and competent advisor to help me achieve my objectives is..*